Known as Anaphalis margaritacea, Pearly Everlasting is a lovely plant that blooms in New England from mid-summer into fall. I was first introduced to this plant by herbalist Kate Gilday of Woodland Essence. A straight plant with small white flowers that remind you of the aster family, of which they belong. Since my introduction, I have seen pearly everlasting frequently, as often happens when you learn about a plant. I have been so delighted that this plant has joined my garden all on its own (this happens frequently also).
As I have mentioned before, flower essences are about adjusting your energetic field to synchronize with that of a flower in order for change to move forward. In other words, if your energy field is stuck (like a music tune earworm) in one pattern or your energetic pattern is all over the place, flower essences can help you to resonate in a different way thereby creating a new path for your energy to move forward. What you do with this new pathway is up to you and the work needed to infuse that forward movement.
Pearly Everlasting flower essence is especially good for this forward motion. I often think of this plant as one of transitions. One major transition is going from working to retirement. What will life look like? Am I still a valued person? What do I have to offer at this time in my life? Where do I go from here? What is my place in the universe? Pearly Everlasting helps our energetic field to adjust to these changes by reconnecting us with ourselves and the universe or higher spirit. By doing so, we are better able to look at what our next chapter will look like. You may decide to volunteer, travel, read, take up a new hobby or delve deeper into a current one. Pearly Everlasting helps one to see that while one path may end, there are more paths to explore.
While I mentioned retirement as part of the assistance that Pearly Everlasting provides, this beautiful plant can really help with any major transition as one looks to change to a new normal. Please look for and spend time with this plant on your next outdoor adventure.